Molybdenum in PDB, part 8 (files: 281-320),
PDB 8cff-9d2c
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Molybdenum (Mo) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Molybdenum atoms. PDB files: 281-320 (PDB 8cff-9d2c).
8cff (Mo: 4) - Crystal Structure of Arsenite Oxidase From Alcaligenes Faecalis (Af Aio) Bound to Arsenite
Other atoms:
Fe (20);
As (4);
8cgs (Mo: 4) - Crystal Structure of Arsenite Oxidase From Alcaligenes Faecalis (Af Aio) Bound to Antimony Oxyanion
Other atoms:
Cl (5);
Fe (20);
Na (1);
Sb (4);
8ch9 (Mo: 4) - Crystal Structure of Arsenite Oxidase From Alcaligenes Faecalis (Af Aio) Bound to Arsenic Oxyanion
Other atoms:
As (4);
Fe (24);
8crs (Mo: 2) - Cryoem Structure of Nitrogenase Mofe-Protein in Detergent
Other atoms:
Fe (32);
8dbx (Mo: 2) - Cryoem Structure of Partially Oxidized Mofe-Protein on Ultrathin Carbon
Other atoms:
Fe (48);
8dby (Mo: 2) - Cryoem Structure of Anaerobically Prepared Nitrogenase Mofe-Protein on Ultrathin Carbon
Other atoms:
Fe (32);
8dfc (Mo: 2) - Cryoem Structure of the 1:1 Adp-Tetrafluoroaluminate Stabilized Nitrogenase Complex From Azotobacter Vinelandii
Other atoms:
Al (2);
Mg (2);
F (8);
Fe (36);
8dfd (Mo: 2) - Cryoem Structure of the 2:1 Adp-Tetrafluoroaluminate Stabilized Nitrogenase Complex From Azotobacter Vinelandii
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
F (16);
Fe (40);
Al (4);
8dpn (Mo: 2) - Cryoem Structure of Azotobacter Vinelandii Nitrogenase Mofep During Catalytic N2 Reduction
Other atoms:
Fe (32);
8e3t (Mo: 2) - Gallium-Reconstituted Nitrogenase Mofep Mutant S188A From Azotobacter Vinelandii After Ids Oxidation
Other atoms:
Na (2);
Fe (30);
8e3u (Mo: 2) - Nickel-Reconstituted Nitrogenase Mofep Mutant S188A From Azotobacter Vinelandii After Ids Oxidation
Other atoms:
Na (2);
Fe (30);
8e3v (Mo: 2) - Cobalt-Reconstituted Nitrogenase Mofep Mutant S188A From Azotobacter Vinelandii After Ids Oxidation
Other atoms:
Fe (32);
8ed4 (Mo: 4) - Structure of the Complex Between the Arsenite Oxidase and Its Native Electron Acceptor Cytochrome C552 From Pseudorhizobium Sp. Str. Nt-26
Other atoms:
Fe (24);
8emt (Mo: 2) - Cryo-Em Analysis of the Human Aldehyde Oxidase From Liver
Other atoms:
Fe (8);
8enl (Mo: 2) - Cryoem Structure of the High pH Turnover-Inactivated Nitrogenase Mofe- Protein
Other atoms:
Fe (32);
8enm (Mo: 2) - Cryoem Structure of the High pH Nitrogenase Mofe-Protein Under Non- Turnover Conditions
Other atoms:
Fe (32);
8enn (Mo: 2) - Homocitrate-Deficient Nitrogenase Mofe-Protein From Azotobacter Vinelandii Nifv Knockout
Other atoms:
Fe (32);
8eno (Mo: 2) - Homocitrate-Deficient Nitrogenase Mofe-Protein From A. Vinelandii Nifv Knockout in Complex with Naft
Other atoms:
Fe (32);
8gy3 (Mo: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Membrane-Bound Aldehyde Dehydrogenase From Gluconobacter Oxydans
Other atoms:
Fe (7);
8j79 (Mo: 2) - Bovine Xanthine Oxidoreductase Crystallized with Oxypurinol
Other atoms:
Fe (8);
Ca (4);
8k8l (Mo: 1) - Structure of Klebsiella Pneumonia Moda with Molybdate
8p8g (Mo: 2) - Nitrogenase Mofe Protein From A. Vinelandii Beta Double Mutant D353G/D357G
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
Na (1);
Fe (46);
8qmo (Mo: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of the Benzo[A]Pyrene-Bound HSP90-XAP2-Ahr Complex
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
8rhp (Mo: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of the Molybdenum Nitrogenase Complexed with Iron Protein (Nifh) and Shethna Protein II (Fesii)
Other atoms:
Fe (72);
Ca (4);
8s5s (Mo: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Sulfite Dehydrogenase From Thermus Thermophilus
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
8uem (Mo: 2) - The Cryoem Structure of the High Affinity Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase From Mycobacterium Smegmatis
Other atoms:
Fe (8);
Cu (2);
8zj6 (Mo: 1) - Acinetobacter Baumannii Moda with Molybdate Dtt
8zj8 (Mo: 4) - Acinetobacter Baumannii Moda with Molybdate H2O2
9bed (Mo: 8) - Tungstate Binding Protein (Tungbindin) From Eubacterium Limosum with Eight Molybdates Bound
9cjb (Mo: 2) - Cryoem Structure of Nitrogenase Mofe-Protein 60 Minute Time Point Under Alkaline Turnover
Other atoms:
Fe (32);
9cjc (Mo: 2) - Cryoem Structure of Nitrogenase Mofe-Protein 20 Minute Time Point Under Alkaline Turnover
Other atoms:
Fe (32);
9cjd (Mo: 2) - Cryoem Structure of Nitrogenase Mofe-Protein 5 Minute Time Point Under Alkaline Turnover
Other atoms:
Fe (32);
9cje (Mo: 2) - Cryoem Structure of Nitrogenase Mofe-Protein 20 Second Time Point Under Alkaline Turnover
Other atoms:
Fe (32);
9cjf (Mo: 2) - Cryoem Structure of Alkaline-Inactivated Nitrogenase Mofe-Protein in Complex with Naft
Other atoms:
Fe (32);
9ctz (Mo: 2) - Azotobacter Vinelandii Mofep (C2 Symmetry)
Other atoms:
Fe (32);
9cu0 (Mo: 2) - Azotobacter Vinelandii 1:1:1 Mofep:Fep:Fesii-Complex (C1 Symmetry)
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
Fe (38);
9cu1 (Mo: 4) - Azotobacter Vinelandii Filamentous 2:2:1 Mofep:Fep:Fesii-Complex (Termini; C1 Symmetry)
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
Fe (76);
9cu2 (Mo: 4) - Azotobacter Vinelandii Filamentous 2:2:1 Mofep:Fep:Fesii-Complex (C2 Symmetry)
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
Fe (76);
9d2c (Mo: 16) - Crystal Structure of Tungbindin Treated with Proteinase K
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:51:38 2025